Frequently Asked Questions
Our FAQ page has many questions, grouped by main categories. Before activating and using the Germany fuel ration card, individuals should review all relevant questions and answers on this page, and review all relevant video training modules from our "Training" page within this web site.
- Card Use
- On-Line Account
- Policy
- Renting a Vehicle
- Station Availability
- System Performance
- Visiting Germany
- Visiting other Host Nations within Europe
Card Use
I need to know how many liters my pre-paid cash will cover. Where can I find the current Exchange prices?
AFN Europe keeps the current Exchange prices posted on their main web page
What should I be careful with as I use the fuel ration card?
Note that transactions take place at the cashier after the customer pumps fuel into his or her vehicle. This is not a "pay at the pump" card.
Always know the amount of fuel rations you have available and what your cash balance is before pumping fuel into the vehicle.
Never pump more fuel than the remaining vehicle ration will cover. The fuel ration card system will flag and report all transactions that exceed monthly rations as customs violations.
At an ESSO station, if a customer does not have enough fuel rations remaining to cover the transaction, the system will not approve the transaction. This means that the customer will be expected to pay the commercial price (German tax included) for the amount of fuel that was pumped into the vehicle. As the Euro price of fuel is significantly higher than the Exchange prices, this situation could become very expensive. If this happens, there will be no possibility of refunds or credits for the difference.
Is it safe to leave my fuel ration card in my vehicle?
It is best to safeguard the fuel ration card as you safeguard your credit cards and cash. Keep the fuel ration card secure at all times.
If my card is lost or stolen, can someone else use it to buy fuel?
Yes, if you have not reported the loss to the Exchange, and if those who stole the card also know the PIN number for the card. It is extremely important to safeguard both the card and the PIN.
What should I do to safeguard against having to pay the full value of my transaction at an ESSO station in Euro cash?
Always know that you will not exceed the vehicle's current ration balance and the sponsor's pre-paid cash balance before pumping fuel into the vehicle.
When I pay into my prepaid cash balance, am I buying a specific number of liters?
No, paying into the cash balance does not relate to a specific number of liters.
Will I be able to buy both diesel fuel and the other non-diesel fuels with the same card?
No, POV diesel cards are coded to only allow purchase of diesel fuel. POV gas cards are coded to only allow purchase of regular, super, or super-plus purchases.
How do I use an activated fuel ration card?
Please note all of the following for using an activated fuel ration card:
Customers should ensure enough remaining ration balance and cash balance exists to cover the amount of fuel and cost of fuel that they pump into their car by using the most recent fuel ration card transaction receipt, or checking at an Exchange cashier, or checking your account online.
After pumping the fuel, the customer takes his or her fuel ration card along with his or her vehicle registration certificate and U.S. Forces ID card into the gas station cashier. The cashier and customer will complete the transaction using point of sale equipment.
After the cashier runs the card thru the card reader, the ESSO station customer will enter his or her PIN to confirm that he or she is the eligible card holder. The Exchange station customers will provide an electronic signature. The cashier compares signatures and names between the vehicle registration certificate and the back side of the fuel ration card, and the electronic signature.
After the customer enters his or her PIN, the cashier hands a receipt to the customer. The customer signs the receipt and hands it back to the cashier. The Exchange stations will have signature capture capabilities at the PIN Pad.
The cashier compares signatures and names between the vehicle registration certificate, the back side of the fuel ration card, and the electronic signature.
The customer’s receipt will show the amount of fuel purchased, the amount (in $ value) paid for the fuel, the remaining ration balance, and the remaining cash balance in the fuel ration card account.
We strongly encourage all fuel ration card users to keep track of their receipts so they know the status of their fuel ration card account before pumping more fuel into their vehicle.
I did not see anything explaining the assignment of PIN numbers to cards. Since I have two cars and two drivers will I have 1 pin for all? 1 PIN for each car? or 1 PIN for each driver? Will I be able to set my unique PIN or will it be generated for me?
At the time of card activation, the customer will be able to set the PIN to a PIN of their choosing. If they have more than one card they could elect to set the same PIN for all cards or set a different PIN for each card.
Since one card can hold up to two drivers, the PIN must be the same for both drivers using that specific card. The PIN is card specific not person specific.
Is the PIN for each card preset or determined by the customer?
The PIN number for each card is determined and set by the customer at time of card activation.
What should I do if I forgot my PIN number?
The customer can come in to an Exchange card issuing facility and request the PIN change. Then 24 hours later the customer can come back to the same facility where the fuel card will be swiped and the customer can enter their new 4 digit PIN number.
How can I prevent account and card deactivation?
Carefully verify the accuracy of all data on your vehicle registration certificate (AE Form 190-1A) before accepting it and signing the document. Carefully review the data on your fuel ration card prior to signing and accepting it. Specific attention needs to be given to ensuring the correct license plate number is printed on the back of the fuel ration card.
What should I do if my account is deactivated?
Go to one of the Exchange card issue / activation sites as soon as possible. Calling the 0800 toll-free number on the front of your fuel ration card can confirm that the card has been deactivated, but the sponsor or spouse must go to the card issue site to correct deactivated accounts and cards.
On-Line Account
How do I log on to my fuel card account within the Exchange web site?
Access to My ESSO Web Page Account
- Log in using your SSN, Identification # (for NATO), passport number (for Embassy and Consulate Personnel), or your Government Customer Identification Number (GCID).
- Tab over, select SSN, or other (for NATO), or passport (for Embassy and Consulate Personnel), or Unit (for GCID).
- Your password is the license plate number as printed on your ESSO Fuel Ration Card. When entering the information, it needs to include any / all spaces between the letters and numbers, and the log in is case sensitive.
- Click the "Log In" button.
- Once you have successfully logged in you will see each vehicle on your account and any transaction associated with the vehicle(s).
What happens to my money when the monthly fuel ration resets at the beginning of each month?
An absolute rule within this system is that the customer’s money remains the customer’s money until the customer uses their money to pay for fuel for their vehicle. Any unused money remains in the pre-paid account as the monthly ration renews at the beginning of each month.
Exactly when does the monthly ration renew?
At the exact beginning of each month (slightly after midnight into the first day of the month) in the Central Europe time zone where Germany is located.
Exactly how much money can I apply to my pre-paid balance on each of my fuel cards, given that a 400 liter monthly ration is currently in the $400 dollar range?
First, please note that your pre-paid account is shared across all vehicles and cards assigned to the same sponsor.
Second, pre-payment has no relation to the monthly liter ration for a vehicle until an authorized driver uses the pre-paid account to pay for fuel.
The ESSO Fuel Ration Account is opened solely for the purpose of purchasing tax free fuel and is not intended to be used as a bank account. Therefore, the amount of money loaded on the account should be in relation to the number of vehicles and fuel ration amount assigned.
Why does it take 3 to 5 days for a transfer to go from my bank account to my fuel card pre-paid account?
3 to 5 days is the industry standard for on-line transfer postings. Actual payment from a bank account into the fuel ration card pre-paid account may happen no later than one day after the sponsor or spouse makes the payment authorization.
For those who need to pay into their pre-paid account with faster results, payment can be made at any Germany Exchange retail Store. In addition, payment via the toll-free phone number shown on the front of the fuel ration card can be made using Military Star card, credit card or US debit card. Those reloads should post immediately pending any system batch update or maintenance outage window.
Can I pre-pay on-line into my card account?
Yes, you may pre-pay into your fuel ration card account online.
After you have received and activated a card for your vehicle, you will be able to access your account via
Once you have logged into your active account, you will be able to make one-time transfers into your pre-paid account or set up recurring transfers from your bank account into your pre-paid account.
How do I get prepaid funds out of my account?
Pre paid funds can only be reimbursed from a fuel card account if the account is closed completely. Prior to your PCS or ETS, all vehicles registered with USAREUR Motor Vehicle Registry must be deregistered. This will deactivate all vehicles and fuel cards in the ration control system under your name and the fuel card account can be closed and a refund issued. Please note that no partial refunds are possible; i.e. money can not be deposited in one week to be refunded any time after that unless the account is being closed completely. For any additional questions regarding the refund process - you may contact
You may choose one of the following options for pre-paid fund reimbursement:
- Go to an Exchange card issue / activation site and request a cash refund.
- Send a request via email to Request reimbursement by providing the Germany fuel ration card number, vehicle license plate number, and provide the current mailing address. The Exchange will mail the reimbursement by check.
- Customers who have returned to the US can request reimbursement via check by calling the following number: 1-844-864-1619. Cash refunds are not possible at the Exchange facilities outside of Germany.
Why do we have to give up coupons and change to this system now?
The German government is enforcing requirements that have been part of the NATO Status of Forces Agreement between the United States and Germany for 50 years. At this point, we recommend that all eligible personnel focus their energy on how to use their fuel ration card correctly so they can avoid paying more than the Exchange prices for fuel that they buy at ESSO stations within Germany.
Why can't I let someone else fuel my vehicle when I loan my vehicle to them and they have a USAREUR driver's license?
Using a POV is a customs interest. Fueling a vehicle is even more of a customs interest. Being stationed within a host nation, registering a privately owned vehicle (POV) and access to tax-free and customs-free fuel is a benefit covered by the NATO Status of Forces Agreement, but there is no provision for being able to drive and fuel a vehicle that does not belong to you. Similar to everywhere else, if you're stopped while driving a vehicle and your family name is not on the vehicle registration document, law enforcement will want to know how you have authority to drive the vehicle.
Why can't spouses who are in Europe but located outside of Germany obtain a fuel card?
Fuel ration card eligibility for personnel who are visiting Germany is based on the existing NATO Status of Forces Agreement and the existing Agreement on the Status of Personnel on Leave. Both agreements limited rationed fuel eligibility within Germany to during times that the sponsor travels in TDY, annual leave or military pass status in Germany. Sponsors who visit Germany may set up their short-term fuel ration card so their spouse becomes an eligible driver.
When the Exchange prices are rising, how can I buy my entire monthly ration before the price goes up?
This system will only allow you to buy as much as your vehicle tank will hold. We are moving away from a system that allowed you to buy fuel in advance, and using a payment system common to the rest of the world where you pay for your fuel after you have pumped the fuel into your vehicle.
Are other NATO personnel eligible?
Yes, NATO and German forces (Bundeswehr) personnel who are currently eligible for a 50 liter per month ration for their specific vehicle are eligible to receive a long-term fuel ration card for their specific vehicle. To do this, they must pay the $30 registration fee to a USAREUR Field Registry Station for the Registry to "list" the vehicle within USAREUR Registry data and receive an eligibility document for the vehicle. The "MP Stations" tab within our web site provides locations for eligible personnel to get the short-term eligibility certificate (AE Form 550-175L) for their visiting privately owned vehicle or rented vehicle. We've included a list of registry site locations for eligible personnel to register or "list" their owned or leased vehicle.
Are US Reservists eligible?
Yes! Army Reservists who are stationed and living in Germany will be eligible to receive a long-term fuel ration card for their specific privately owned vehicle. Please refer to Army Europe Regulation 600-17 (Retail Sales of Motor Fuel to Individuals in Germany), dated 12 June 2008, available from the "Regs & Docs tab within this web site.
- Each reservist who lives in Germany may identify one vehicle for special "long-term" fuel-ration card eligibility with a standard ration of 50 liters per month. Vehicles with 60 horsepower or less will be eligible for only 25 liters per month.
- To confirm eligibility for themselves and their individually identified single eligible vehicle, each reservist will provide his / her vehicle information to the USAREUR Registry of Motor Vehicles and pay the annual registration fee. Individual reservists are responsible for identifying themselves with official documentation for their status.
- The Registrar will issue a vehicle eligibility certificate to eligible Reservists. The certificate provides rationed-fuel eligibility for a specific vehicle.
- The Exchange will issue a long-term fuel-ration card for each Reservist with a valid eligibility certificate for the listed vehicle [(c) above]. The long-term card that the Exchange issues for the listed vehicle will expire within 3 years or with the current registration for the vehicle (whichever is sooner).
- For the month during which the Reservist has annual (2-week) training, the Reservist may submit a request in advance for supplemental rations as explained in paragraph E-5 to raise the ration amount for the vehicle for that month. Reservists who activate for longer than the 2-week annual training period will be eligible to request the entire standard monthly ration for each month they are in active status.
If a Soldier is stationed in the US but currently in Iraq for OIF, and they take their R&R leave in Germany, are they allowed to get a fuel ration card for a vehicle they rent?
Yes, per Army Europe Regulation 600-17, Appendix C, Paragraph C2a, US Forces personnel on R&R leave in Germany from deployment to OEF or OIF are authorized tax-free and duty-free motor fuel.
Personnel in R&R leave status should take their ID card and copies of R&R orders along with their vehicle rental contract or registration document to the nearest MP station or US Forces customs office as shown on the Eligibility page.
Take AE Form 550-175L to the nearest Exchange card issue and activation site.
The amount of fuel ration authorized is dependent upon how many days remain authorized on the R&R orders and the rental contract.
Short-term fuel ration increments are 100 liters for 1-7 days, 200 liters for 8-14 days, 300 liters for 15-21 days, and 400 liters for 22-30 days.
Are US Embassy and Consular personnel eligible for the Germany fuel ration card?
Yes, Embassy and Consular personnel who are stationed within Germany are eligible for the long-term fuel ration card after working with the USAREUR Registry to get a registration document (AE Form 190-1A) for their POV. The Registry is already working with each Consulate and the Embassy for this transition.
Embassy and Consular personnel who are stationed in Europe but outside of Germany are eligible for the short-term fuel ration card when visiting Germany in TDY or leave status.
Will ESSO allow Fuel card users to participate in their "SWOP" driver rewards program?
Unfortunately, the answer is "no". Even though many ESSO stations have provided "SWOPs" in the past, ESSO's "Driver Rewards" have never been authorized for customers who pay the Exchange prices for fuel at ESSO stations. Coverage of this topic is at the end of video training module 7 within our web site, for using the fuel ration card at an ESSO station.
Is there a minimum amount of fuel that I can use the card for at ESSO stations?
Yes. 2 liters (roughly a half gallon of fuel) is the minimum Germany fuel ration card transaction.
Will I be able to pay at the pump with this fuel ration card?
No. The German government does not allow "pay at the pump" technology to be part of this fuel ration card system.
Can I charge other purchases at the Exchange and / or ESSO besides fuel?
No. The card is only for purchasing fuel.
I have two cars. Can I get one fuel ration card that works for both of my cars?
No. Ration account and fuel ration card(s) assigned to a vehicle are unique to each vehicle.
I have a spouse and two children that are listed on my USAREUR Registration AE 190-1A as authorized drivers for my vehicles. Will they be able to use the fuel ration card for each vehicle?
Yes. Based on the registration document, each fuel ration card will have as many as two licensed drivers, as authorized users, and each vehicle may have as many as seven licensed drivers with their names on fuel ration cards for your vehicles. Therefore, in your situation, you will receive two fuel ration cards (one with your name and your spouse's name, and the other with your two licensed children's names). Please note that only the sponsor/owner or co-owner of the vehicle are authorized to request that a fuel card be issued for subject vehicle. A spouse or child not listed in the co-owner position on the vehicle registration document cannot request issuance of a fuel card unless the sponsor/owner/co-owner is present.
Will I still be able to obtain a supplemental ration during times that I need more than my normal monthly ration?
Yes. Procedures for supplemental ration requests and approval authority are provided in Army Europe Regulation 600-17, available within the "Regs & Docs" tab within this web site.
What happens if I lose my status as a US Forces ID card holder?
Without Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) status, individuals are not eligible for US Forces vehicle registration or an Exchange / ESSO fuel ration card. Any attempt to use the fuel ration card without SOFA status is a customs violation.
What happens if I sell or deregister my vehicle from the USAREUR vehicle registry?
USAREUR vehicle registry data and fuel ration card system data are updated daily. As soon as the vehicle sale or deregistration documents are processed by the registry, the fuel ration card system will be notified to deactivate the card account. Attempted transactions using a deactivated fuel ration card could result in punitive action.
How long will vehicles I no longer own or drive remain on my fuel ration card account?
Based on guidance and requirements received by the German Government for operating the Fuel Ration Card Program, any vehicles that were owned and registered in your name or listed under a short term registration document (for rental vehicles) will remain on your fuel card account for 10 years. The information remains there as a tracking record for fuel purchases during that period and for the respective vehicles.
How do I add eligible drivers to, or delete eligible drivers from the fuel ration card(s) for my vehicle?
The vehicle sponsor or their authorized representative must go to a field registry station to add (or delete) a driver’s name and his or her USAREUR driver license number to the vehicle’s information. The field registry station will issue an updated registration certificate to the sponsor or authorized representative. The individual should take his or her updated registration certificate to the nearest Exchange card issue site to obtain a new fuel ration card.
How much time does someone have to pay off a negative balance in their prepaid account before the government will take action to garnish the sponsor's wages?
To continue the benefit of not having to pay pump price at ESSO stations, sponsors and / or their spouses should clear up any negative balances immediately. If negative balances are not cleared up, the following is the timeline for involuntary payroll deduction:
Day 1: Letter sent notifying customer of balance due.
Day 30: Letter sent notifying customer of a past due balance.
Day 45: Letter sent to commanding officer / work supervisor.
Day 60: $25.00 Fee is added. Involuntary collection action begins.
Day 60 and beyond: Collection action continues until debt is satisfied.
Renting a Vehicle
How will I get a fuel ration card if I must rent a vehicle while I am stationed in Germany?
Take your ID card and copies of your TDY orders and rental contract to the nearest MP station or US Forces customs office as shown on the Eligibility page. They will issue you a Short Term Registration Document AE Form 550-175L.
Take AE Form 550-175L to the nearest Exchange card issue and activation site.
The amount of fuel ration authorized is dependent upon how many days remain authorized on the rental contract.
Short-term fuel ration increments are 100 liters for 1-7 days, 200 liters for 8-14 days, 300 liters for 15-21 days, and 400 liters for 22-30 days.
For rentals of longer than 30 days, Garrison MP offices or US Forces Customs, Europe personnel may authorize another short term fuel ration card after the first short term card expires.
Any change to the rental vehicle or vehicle license plate will make the existing fuel ration card non-functional. In cases of vehicle or license plate change, obtain a new AE Form 550-175L from the nearest MP Station or US Forces customs office, and then obtain a replacement fuel ration card from the Exchange. Any pre-paid cash in the fuel card account will not be affected by this change.
How will I get a fuel ration card if I'm on TDY in Germany, travelling from the United States?
Take your ID card and copies of your TDY orders and rental contract to the nearest MP station or US Forces customs office as shown on the Eligibility page. They will issue you a Short Term Registration Document AE Form 550-175L.
Take AE Form 550-175L to the nearest Exchange card issue and activation site.
The amount of fuel ration authorized is dependent upon how many days remain authorized on the rental contract.
Short-term fuel ration increments are 100 liters for 1-7 days, 200 liters for 8-14 days, 300 liters for 15-21 days, and 400 liters for 22-30 days.
For rentals of longer than 30 days, Garrison MP offices or US Forces Customs, Europe personnel may authorize another short term fuel ration card after the first short term card expires.
Any change to the rental vehicle or vehicle license plate will make the existing fuel ration card non-functional. In cases of vehicle or license plate change, obtain a new AE Form 550-175L from the nearest MP Station or US Forces customs office, and then obtain a replacement fuel ration card from the Exchange. Any pre-paid cash in the fuel card account will not be affected by this change.
How do I get a fuel ration card if I'm on TDY with a colleague in Germany with a rented vehicle?
Take your ID cards, TDY orders, and the vehicle rental contract or POV registration to an IMCOM Europe garrison MP station or to the US Forces customs office as shown on the Eligibility page.
Take AE Form 550-175L to the nearest Exchange card issue and activation site.
The amount of fuel ration authorized is dependent upon how many days remain authorized on the TDY orders and the rental contract.
Short-term fuel ration increments are 100 liters for 1-7 days, 200 liters for 8-14 days, 300 liters for 15-21 days, and 400 liters for 22-30 days.
How do I get prepaid funds out of my account after I've turned in the rented vehicle?
After your fuel ration card has expired, or if your vehicle registration is no longer valid, choose one of the following options for pre-paid fund reimbursement:
Go to an Exchange card issue / activation site and request a cash refund.
Call the 0800 number on the fuel ration card and request that a refund check be mailed to the current mailing address.
Send a request via email to Request reimbursement by providing the Germany fuel ration card number, vehicle license plate number, and provide the current mailing address. The Exchange will mail the reimbursement by check.
Customers who have returned to the US can request reimbursement via check by calling the following number: 1-866-859-2564. Cash refunds are not possible at the Exchange facilities in the US.
Do I have to go to the Exchange card activation & issue site to get my short-term fuel ration card right after the MP Station or Customs Office issues the AE 550-175L form to me?
Yes, any delay between getting the AE Form 550-175L eligibility certificate and getting the short-term card from the Exchange could limit the amount of fuel ration that the system assigns to the short-term card account.
Station Availability
Are there any ESSO stations that won't accept our fuel ration card?
There are 2 ESSO stations in Germany that only accept cash and do not process card transactions. Both are in the Bonn area (Römerstr 235 in 50321 Brühl, and Ringenerstr/Sebastianstr. in 53474 Bad Neuenahr). Other than these two stations, all other ESSO stations in Germany were visited between January and May 2008 to ensure that their system works properly and provides accurate receipt information. The ESSO Station in 67112 Mutterstadt, Speyerer Str. 138 also does not accept the ESSO Fuel Ration Cards. However, there is another ESSO Station located about 3 miles away in 67065 Ludwigshafen-Maudach, Maudacher Str.194.
Where will the fuel ration card be valid for use?
The Germany fuel ration card is valid for use at the Exchange and ESSO stations throughout Germany. Check the Gas Stations page for location info.
System Performance
What happens if the card system is not working and I have enough ration and pre-paid cash to cover my transaction?
The customer will likely have to pay for the entire transaction in local (Euro) currency or with a credit card, and then request reimbursement for the amount that they should not have had to pay from the Exchange Customer Service.
I just did a first-time registration for my vehicle. The Exchange issued a fuel ration card to me, but my receipt says that my card will expire in less than a month. Why doesn't the Exchange issue a long-term card for my USAREUR registered vehicle?
The expiration date for your card will update after the new registration data for your vehicle is validated between the USAREUR Registry and the Exchange. Please stay aware of the card expiration date that is shown on each transaction receipts. You should see this date extend to match your registration expiration. If not, please contact your nearest Exchange card issue site before your card expires.
Will the system be converting between the Euro and dollar since we could use the card on the economy and on base, or will the card be tracked by liters and not monetary amount?
Prices for transactions at ESSO stations will always be the Exchange publicized price.
We're working to ensure that price publications are always in "per gallon" and "per liter".
Fuel ration card transactions within this system take place in the Exchange fuel ration control system, not at the ESSO station. The system uses ESSO equipment to start the transaction and validate the fuel ration card. After that, the ration balance deduction and the cash balance deduction happen from within the Exchange ration control system.
Visiting Germany
Can someone stationed in CONUS, but on leave in Germany, get a fuel ration card?
No, personnel who are stationed in CONUS and on leave in Germany are not eligible for the fuel ration card.
To be eligible, individuals must be in one of the following situations:
- Stationed in Germany
- TDY in Germany
- Stationed within Europe or North Africa and in leave or military pass statu
- R&R in Germany from Operations Enduring Freedom or Iraqi Freedom
How do people who are stationed in Europe, outside of Germany, get a Germany fuel ration card?
They will issue you a Short Term Registration Document AE Form 550-175L.
Take AE Form 550-175L to the nearest Exchange card issue and activation site.
The amount of fuel ration authorized is dependent upon how many days remain authorized on the rental contract.
Short-term fuel ration increments are 100 liters for 1-7 days, 200 liters for 8-14 days, 300 liters for 15-21 days, and 400 liters for 22-30 days.
For rentals of longer than 30 days, Garrison MP offices or US Forces Customs, Europe personnel may authorize another short term fuel ration card after the first short term card expires.
Any change to the rental vehicle or vehicle license plate will make the existing fuel ration card non-functional. In cases of vehicle or license plate change, obtain a new AE Form 550-175L from the nearest MP Station or US Forces customs office, and then obtain a replacement fuel ration card from the Exchange. Any pre-paid cash in the fuel card account will not be affected by this change.
How will I get a fuel ration card if I'm on TDY in Germany, travelling from outside of Europe?
Take your ID card and a copies of your TDY orders and rental contract or POV registration to the nearest MP station or US Forces customs office as shown on the Eligibility page.
Take AE Form 550-175L to the nearest Exchange card issue and activation site.
The amount of fuel ration authorized is dependent upon how many days remain authorized on the TDY orders and the rental contract.
Short-term fuel ration increments are 100 liters for 1-7 days, 200 liters for 8-14 days, 300 liters for 15-21 days, and 400 liters for 22-30 days.
Visiting other Host Nations within Europe
Will the fuel ration card be valid for use in Belgium, The Netherlands, or in Italy?
No. The fuel ration card program will only be for use at the Exchange and ESSO stations throughout Germany.
Once we have the new ESSO card, will we still be able to buy gas coupons in Italy? If so how?
No. Personnel on leave are no longer eligible to purchase fuel coupons in Italy. You must be on TDY or PCS orders in order to purchase the fuel coupons.
When traveling from Germany to Italy for vacation or TDY how do you obtain gas at the local posts there?
When going to Italy for vacation, on leave status, you are not eligible for gas coupons.
When traveling on TDY orders, ensure that you have DD Form 1610 TDY document, or the equivalent form used by your employer or military service.
When you arrive at the US Forces installation in Italy, ask for directions to the office that authorizes rationed fuel for visitors. This will likely be the military police (Army), security forces (Air Force), or rationed product control (Navy).
Provide a copy of your TDY document to the authorization office, and they will provide authorization for you to buy Italy fuel coupons for your vehicle from the local Exchange or Navy Exchange store.
What are the procedures for rationed fuel in the Netherlands for a vehicle that already has the Germany fuel ration card?
First, please note that the Germany fuel ration card won't work outside of Germany.
For rationed fuel in the Netherlands, review Para 33a(4a) of Army in Europe Regulation 550-35: Regulations on Personal Property, Local Currency, and Motor Vehicles for U.S. Personnel in the Netherlands.
After review, complete the AE Form 600-17a and the attached OPM Form 71 with your supervisor and take those documents with you to the Schinnen MP station (on the right after the entry gate at Schinnen).
After getting approval from the Schinnen MP station, you'll be able to get fuel at the Schinnen Exchange station and / or buy coupons from the Exchange main store at Schinnen.
Any questions on Netherlands rationed fuel procedures or AE Regulation 550-35 should be directed to the Netherlands Law Center, DSN 360-7688.
Send an email about card use, on-line account, station availability, system performance, or transition from coupons.