Tax Free Fuel Sales Eligibility
USAREUR Regulation 600-17 authorizes the sale of tax free motor fuel in Germany. The following excerpt is provided as guidance for eligibility and procedures:
C-2. Eligible Personnel
Personnel authorized tax-free motor fuel are as follows:
- Personnel on Leave: U.S. Forces personnel on leave in Germany (GE) from a duty station in Europe or North Africa are authorized tax-free motor fuel. Personnel on leave but not stationed in Europe or North Africa are not authorized tax-free motor fuel.
- Personnel on TDY: U.S. Forces personnel on TDY to GE are authorized tax-free motor fuel. Personnel renting a car must have a copy of valid TDY orders and the car rental agreement. Personnel using a privately owned vehicle must have valid TDY orders and the vehicle registration document.
- Family Members Traveling Without Sponsors: Only family members of U.S. Forces personnel assigned to GE are authorized tax-free motor fuel. Family members in other countries in Europe and North Africa are not authorized to purchase tax-free motor fuel.
- NATO Personnel: Military and civilian personnel of other NATO countries assigned to international military headquarters in GE (incl German military personnel) are authorized tax-free motor fuel. German NATO civilians assigned to these organizations are not authorized tax-free purchases. NATO personnel assigned to international military headquarters in other countries are authorized to purchase tax-free motor fuel when on TDY to international headquarters in GE. Members of NATO sending states are authorized to purchase tax-free motor fuel when on TDY to their national headquarters. Table C-1 provides motor fuel authorizations for NATO personnel on TDY to GE.
- Reservists on Active Duty: U.S. Forces reservists on active duty in GE are authorized tax-free motor fuel. Reservists living in GE must have active duty orders and DD Form 2A (Res) (Armed Forces of the United States Identification Card (Reserve). Reservists living outside GE must have TDY orders.
- Other Personnel: USAREUR Regulation 600-700 establishes petroleum, oils, and lubricants authorizations for personnel assigned to the State Department, Government agencies, and other authorized activities.
C-3. Ration Authorization and Allowances for Personnel on Leave and TDY
- Personnel need an approved letter of authorization (app F) to purchase gasoline and diesel fuel.
(Note: See your local Provost Marshall for information.)