Military Homeschooling Families
The Exchange is committed to serving and supporting military homeschool families
Due in part to the mobile nature of military life, many military families around the world have opted to homeschool their children rather than utilizing local resources such as public schools or private schools. This page has been developed as a summary resource for military homeschooling families. Whether you are already homeschooling or looking into the option, following is a quick overview along with links to a few resources that might be helpful.
Definition of Home Schools
Homeschooled children may be taught by one or both parents, by tutors who come into the home, or through virtual school programs conducted over the Internet. Some parents prepare their own materials and design their own programs of study, while others use materials produced by companies specializing in homeschool resources. Accountability for homeschooling is coordinated with the state in which the family resides.
DoDEA Policy
The Department of Defense Educational Activity (DoDEA), in a 6 November 2002 Policy Memorandum on Homeschooling, stated:
“It is DoDEA policy neither to encourage nor discourage DoD sponsors from home schooling their minor dependents. DoDEA recognizes that home schooling is a sponsor’s right and can be a legitimate alternative form of education for the sponsor’s dependents.”
Common Reasons for Homeschooling
Following are some of the most important reasons parents list for homeschooling their children:
- continuity of education - a need for a family on the move
- family unity
- concern about the environment of other schools
- dissatisfaction with the academic instruction available at other schools
- child has a physical or mental health problem
- individualized teaching
- to provide religious or moral instruction
- child has other special needs
Additional Homeschooling Resources
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