Vendor Compliance
The Vendor Compliance Program (VCP) was implemented to recover expenses caused by vendors’ noncompliance for merchandise shipped to and through our operations. Vendor’s merchandise will flow through our Distribution Centers and stores and on to the selling floor in an efficient manner, if vendors follow the detailed requirements.
Distribution Centers, and stores, will submit data for the purpose of recovering costs incurred by vendor nonconformance. The Exchange will charge the contractor for any costs incurred as a result of nonconformance. Nonconformance may include but is not limited to the compliance violation(s) outlined in the Vendor Compliance Program.
As detailed in the Vendor Compliance Cost Structure, Exchange HQ Co-operative Advertising will process charges to recover costs caused by vendor / supplier shipments to our distribution centers and stores that are not compliant with the purchase order terms and conditions. In the event vendors require additional information, The Exchange contact information is provided on each claim.
- Vendor Compliance Update (updated 3/01/2023)
- Vendor Compliance Update (updated 4/28/2017)
- Vendor Compliance Program (updated 8/1/2010)
- Automating Compliance Claims for Early/Late Shipments (7/1/2012)
- Vendor Compliance Program: Imports Portion (updated 11/5/2009)
- Clarification on the Exchange shipping requirements (updated 4/22/2016)