You Made the Grade

The “You Made the Grade” program is designed to reward traditional, non-traditional, and homeschooled students, 1st-12th grade, for above-average academic achievement and to inspire them to work that much harder. Download Form

Qualifying students can receive a You Made the Grade Rewards gift card by presenting a valid military ID card and proof of an overall “B” average or higher equivalent average to their local Exchange. Straight “A” students will get a $20 Rewards gift card and overall “B” average students will get a $10 Rewards gift card, along with a coupon sheet to take advantage of their Exchange’s amazing retail, services, and food offers.

For children who receive non-traditional A, B, C grades, the parent/guardian should provide, from the school, the equivalent of what a “B or higher” is for the grading system of their child’s school or written affirmation of their scholastic accomplishments from their child’s teacher or school administrator.

If a child is homeschooled, the student should provide written affirmation of their scholastic achievements from a parent or other community-authorized education provider.

For your convenience, a form has been provided and is available at your local Exchange or can be downloaded on to provide written affirmation of your child’s scholastic accomplishments.

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