Department of Defense Civilian Retiree ID Card Termination
Notification was received on 9 March 2023 regarding a memorandum signed by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness terminating the issuance of the Department of Defense Civilian Retiree and Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Field Committee Volunteer uniformed service identification (USID) cards. The termination was effective immediately, and previously issued DoD Civilian Retiree ID Cards are valid through August 31, 2023. These cards will not be reissued.
As a result of the civilian retiree ID termination, the HQ HRO and installation ID Offices can no longer issue retiree CACs through RAPIDS. We fully appreciate the inconvenience that this memorandum may cause our retirees.
In situations where the installation commander authorizes DoD civilian retirees access for limited use of morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) activities, visitors must establish Identity, Fitness, and Purpose. The local command determines installation access, and the local installation may require additional forms of ID for base/post access.
In accordance with the Department of Defense Manual 5200.8 Volume 3, the following items are required to establish Identity, Fitness, and Purpose.
REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or non-driver’s identification card issued by a State, territory, possession, or the District of Columbia.
Retirees must have no pending criminal cases or actions against him or her and are not listed on any U.S. Government terrorism lists that would indicate that such individuals may pose a risk to the safety, security, and efficiency of the installation or its occupants.
Retirees must possess DD 2574, Armed Forces Exchange Services Privilege Card or SF-50 Equivalency (Retirement Personnel Request Exchange Form 1200-100)