FOIA Fees are based upon DoD regulations and OMB FOIA fee guidance.
Charges are calculated based upon your FOIA status as a commercial entity, an educational or non-commercial scientific instruction, a representative of the news media, or any other requester. The Exchange FOIA office will waive all fees if the total owed is less than $25.00. The following fees may apply to process your request.
- Commercial: Searching for and reviewing responsive documents will be charged at a rate of $48.00/hour. Duplication for hard copy format will be charged $0.15/page.
- Educational and Non-commercial Scientific Institutions: You will receive all searching and reviewing of responsive documents free of charge. Requesters classified under this status will receive the first 100 pages of responsive documents (if released in hard copy format) free of charge. Each additional hard copy format released will be at a rate of $0.15/page.
- Representatives of the News Media: Individuals classified under this category will receive all searching and reviewing free of charge. The first 100 pages disclosed in hard copy format will be released at no charge. Each additional hard-copy page released will be at a rate of $0.15/page.
- All Other Requesters: If you do not fall within the previously addressed categories, you will be classified under this category. You will receive the first 2 hours of search time at no charge. Each additional hour will be charged at a rate of $48.00/hour. There is no cost for review. The first 100 pages of documents released in a hard-copy format free will be provided at no cost. Each additional hard-copy page will be at a rate of $0.15/page.
The Exchange may request that you complete justification for proof of classifying you under Educational, Non-commercial Scientific Institutions or News Media.
Other Fees may include:
- $5.00/each: Disclosure on a CD-ROM
- $50.00/per page: Certification of Authenticity of Domestic Business Records or Notarization of any released document.
- $3.50/each: Duplication of microfiche
- $2.50/each: Duplication of technical drawings, blueprints, etc.
- Mail Fees: You will be responsible for the cost to the Exchange if you request that documents be mailed by express or overnight delivery.
FOIA fees are due within 30 days of the invoice date. Pursuant to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidelines, outstanding invoices (over 30 days) will be subject to interest beginning at the time the invoice is processed. Late invoices will be subject to additional fees and penalties. See Title 31, U.S.C. §3717, Debt Collection Act of 1982. Invoices not paid within terms may be turned over to the Exchange accounting collection authority in which case individual tax offsets may occur.