Just about any person can place a FOIA request. FOIA uses the Administrative Procedures Act, Title 5 U.S.C. §551(2) to define a person. This includes individuals, partnerships, corporations, association of public, private organizations other than those of a federal government agency, representatives of the media and any of the above, congress members and state and local governments.
Fugitives from justice, foreign governments and international governmental organizations or their representatives may not make FOIA requests.
All requests must be in writing, clearly stating what documents are requested. Describe the records you are seeking as specifically as possible. Include any details you may have regarding the time, place, persons, events, subjects, or any other information which will assist in the location of the specific documents requested. Any information you wish to provide will help with the processing time and provide a quicker response.
Please include a daytime phone number and mailing address The FOIA staff may need to contact you with questions to clarify your request. If you choose, you may also complete the FOIA/Privacy Request form.